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Week 3 Discussion_ESE

Week 3 Discussion_ESE

Q While the best approach probably lies somewhere in the middle, how do we help hiring managers get over the need to control the process and make judgments based on their feelings? What would your conversation sound like with a hiring manager who believes they should conduct their own interviews without a structured guide? What things would you say to him or her to help "sell" your selection process that you have designed, and how would you encourage them to use the objective measures?

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This week we were introduced with the methods for collecting ad combining information. The mechanical methods and judgmental methods are informed to us. The idea that “gut” knows best is not completely wrong. Gut plays about 10% role in the hiring process. Hiring managers are experience people in their field and they at times seem to know that certain candidate is the right one. The judgemental approach does not use any substantial data but the decision is based purely on informal and unstructured interview. Similarly the mechanical approach is all about test and depends entirely on test scores.